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Zee Bangla Launches new show ‘ Neem Phuler Modhu’

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Kolkata, 11th November, 2022: Zee Bangla, one of the leading Bengali General Entertainment Channels, announced the launch of their new mega serial Neem Phuler Modhu. The lead cast of the show featuring Pallabi Sharma & Rubel Das amongst others were present at the launch along with

Mr Samrat Ghosh, Chief Cluster Officer – East & Ms Navnita Chakraborty, Business Head – ZEE Bangla were also present for the occasion and introduced the show and the starcast.

Zee Bangla, as a channel, has always portrayed characters deeply rooted to the traditions and culture of Bengal. The story of Neem Phuler Modhu is about the romantic and emotionally demanding one-year journey of Parna Roy (Pallabi) and Srijan Dutta (Rubel) after their marriage. The story evolves as the protagonists who are complete opposites in their outlook towards life and marriage starts gravitating towards each other. The story also portrays the evolution of a common young Bengali girl through her inter-personal relationships with two generations which are Shashuri ma (Mother-In-Law) and Didi-Shashuri ma (Great Grandmother In-Law) while living in a joint family. As the story progresses, Parna combats with all the challenges she faces in her in-law’s family.

“Zee Bangla, as a leading Bengali Entertainment Channel, yet again, brings a beautiful story in Neem phuler Modhu. The journey of a newly wedded couple, Parna & Srijan, and the various situations that they face after their marriage, forms the crux of this sweet love story. The new pairing of Rubel with Pallavi adds a refreshing touch to the starcast which also comprises of veteran actress Lily Chakraborty and other renowned actors. This is an ambitious project from the Zee Bangla house and we are anticipating a warm response from our audience”, said Mr Samrat Ghosh, Chief Cluster Officer – East.

“Neem Phuler Modhu brings to life how paths of two diametrically opposite individuals cross through an arranged marriage where they fall in love with each other and grow in it. During her journey as a housewife, she transforms Srijan from a chauvinist Mama’s boy to a loving, caring and understanding human being. The onscreen chemistry between the lead paid is going to be one of the major highlights of this mega serial”, said Ms Navnita Chakraborty, Business Head- ZEE Bangla.

Other cast members of Neem Phuler Modhu, include Biswanath Basu, Sanjukta Roy, Rishav Chakraborty, Subrata Guha Roy, Tanusree Goswami, Ujjwal Malakar, Manasi Sengupta, Uday Pratap Singh, Arghya Mukherjee, Arijita Mukherjee, Shaili Bhattacharya, Prasun Guin, Nabanita Malakar, Debosmit & Soumi. Veteran actress Lily Chakraborty as ‘Hemnalini Dutta’ is making a comeback in small screen after a hiatus with this mega.

Neem Phuler Modhu, produced by Zee Bangla, will go on air from 14th November 2022, every day at 8 pm.

About Zee Bangla:

Zee Bangla is an Indian general entertainment pay television channel broadcasting in the Bengali language. It is owned by the Zee Entertainment Enterprises. It is the first Bengali-language satellite television channel in India, which officially commenced broadcast on 15 September, 1999. The channel was first launched as Alpha Bangla which was later renamed to Zee Bangla on 28th March, 2005. The channel launched its HD version on 20th November 2016.

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