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16th Global Communication Conclave

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11th and 12th November 2022 at Kolkata
Kolkata: Public Relations Council of India (PRCI) the premier body of PR, Media, Advertising, HR, Markcom Professionals and Mass Communication students and academicians, happy to inform that they had organised the 16th Global Communication Conclave on November 11th & 12th, 2022 at Kolkata.
The inauguration program was held on 11th Nov 2022 from 11am onwards on Hotel Fairfield Marriott, New Town Kolkata. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Aroop Biswas, Minister for power, housing, youth services and sports, Govt. of West Bengal, and the guests of honors was Kanchan Gupta, Senior Advisor Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India, Mr. Dhruba Mukherjee, CEO ABP Group and Mr. Satyam Roychoudhury, MD Aaj kal Publisher.
Later on, in the evening PRCI also presented its of much sought-after signature awards under the “Chanakya” series and induct achievers into the “PR Hall of Fame”.

On 12th Nov 2022, PRCI will also present its Excellence Award ceremony for Corporate Collaterals. The Valedictory session of the 16th Global communication Conclave will be live from 5pm onwards. The Chief Guest will be Dr. Shashi Panja, Hon. Minister for Industry, Commerce, and Enterprises, Govt. of West Bengal, and Mr. Firhad Hakim, Hon. Minister for Urban Development & Housing and Hon. Mayor of Kolkata. The Guests of Honor will be Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Managing Director, Tata Metaliks Ltd., Mr. S.S. Rao, Chairman, Public Relations Society of Delhi, and Mr. M. B Jayram, Mentor and Chairman Emritus, PRSI.

The Chairman Emeritus & Chief Mentor, PRCI, M.B Jayram said , “PRCI is about 18 years young. It has 50 Chapters across the country and we have a dedicated youth wing called Young Communicators Club (YCC) that galvanizes the mass communication students at various universities and colleges, pan-India. So, the Conclave is also a unique opportunity for communication and marketing students to listen to mentors, global experts and learn from their experience. Now YCC is one of the most popular youth wings of PRCI, it has 97 units in Universities across the Country.”

PRCI and YCC hold a series of knowledge forums in association with media organizations like Press Clubs and Universities/Colleges. PRCI has promoted a global platform- World Communicators’ Council (WCC)- with Chapters in UAE, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh (2 Chapters) & Nepal and soon in Bhutan, U.K., USA, Singapore under the WCC.
More than 500 Corporate, PR Communication Head, HR Heads, Journalists are expected to attend this meet from across the country & abroad.

The Kolkata conclave, thus, promise to be a good meeting point to share thoughts and ideas to be able to face lurking future challenges. The unique event also promises to give the participants several take always. They are sure that participating in the grand event will give a good mileage and bring good image to all the associates and supporters.

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