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Aakash Aath’s Radhuni To Air A Specially- Curated And Appropriately- Themed Kali Puja Special Episode

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Kolkata, 18th October, 2022: The much- awaited celebration is finally here. The Festival of Lights coinciding with Kali Puja will commence in just a few days. It’s a time when the City of Joy decks up with countless glittering shades of light and rows of sparkling clay lamps decorated around gorgeous Rangolis. The aroma of delicious sweets and savories fills the air, and it all conjures the grandeur and magic of Kali Puja.

The popular General Entertainment Channel, Aakash Aath, is ready with a range of special thematic episodes to celebrate the festival in their own inimitable way with their audience.

On 24th October, 2022 from 01:30pm, Aakash Aath would present a Kali Puja special episode of their very popular culinary show, ‘Radhuni’.

On this divine occasion, Sritama Bhattacharya, the actress, would grace as the show’s anchor. The young singer, Trisha Parui, adored by music lovers for her soulful rendition of devotional songs would come on board as the special guest of ‘Radhuni’.

Through the Kali Puja special episode in ‘Radhuni’, the anchor and artist will be seen sharing bits of nostalgia associated with Kali Puja and other memorable moments of their life woven around the festival.

On ‘Radhuni’ for the very first time, viewers would get to watch the acclaimed artist donning the role of a master chef to display her creative culinary skills. Trisha would be curating the ‘Niramish Pathar Mangsho’ as Kali Puja special dish.

‘Niramish Pathar Mangsho’ also known as ‘Proshadi Mangsho’ is prepared with the meat of the sacrificial goat made to the supreme and powerful avatar of Shakti, Maa Kali.

On Kali Puja, the nation also worships Goddess Laxmi and relishes pure vegetarian dishes as a gesture of purity and religiousness. But people across Bengal celebrate this festival mainly as Kali Puja, with their own distinctive rituals and cultural traits. ‘Niramish Pathar Mangsho’ or ‘Proshadi Mangsho’ is an apt example of this.

”The celebration of Kali Puja ushers in sheer happiness. The piousness of the festival, coupled with Diwali, illumines our inner selves, and ties us together in the universal bond of cheer and celebration. On this day, we release the burden of disparities and indulge in a glorious celebration through the evening and across the night,” said Ms Eshita Surana Poddar and Ms Priyanka Surana Bardia, Directors, Aakash Aath.

They further added, “However, any such glorious ceremony remains incomplete without a specially- themed special platter appropriate to the occasion. Kali Puja special episode in Radhuni has been devised to portray Bengal’s traditional way of commemorating this festival. There will be a performance by Trisha on the wonderful Shyama Puja special songs to enthrall viewers. We hope that the audience and viewers will appreciate our endeavor and favor us with a good response.”


The matinee culinary TV program, ‘Radhuni’, commenced its journey in the year 2008. Directed by Ms Pompi Mukherjee, this cookery show has received many laurels over the years for its unique concept and presentation and has remained consistently popular among viewers.


‘Radhuni’ is aired on Aakash Aath from every Monday to Sunday at 1:30 pm.


Remember to tune in to Aakash Aath and enjoy the Kali Puja Special Celebration in ‘Radhuni’ on 24th October, 2022.


About Aakash Aath:

The popular Bengali channel, Aakash Bangla, known for its news and entertainment portfolio was relaunched as Aakash Aath from 14th October, 2013. Positioned as a General Entertainment Channel (GEC), Aakash Aath presents a wide variety of programmes, including news bulletins (Aakash Barta) catering to audiences across age groups. The programmes on air include Good Morning Aakash (live musical programme with guest artistes), Radhuni (cookery show), Police Filez (crime show based on real life incidents), Kanchi, Meyeder Bratakotha (spiritual tales of Gods and Goddesses), Yuga Nayak Swami Vivekananda, Tomaay Hridh Majhare Raakhbo amongst others. Aakash Aath also airs blockbuster feature films every day. The channel has an array of interesting shows and serials lined up over the coming months.



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