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Mary Kom Inaugurates 4th Edition of Ekal Run organized by Ekal Yuva, the youth wing of Friends of Tribals Society

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Kolkata, 8th January, 2022Ekal Yuva, the youth wing of Friends of Tribals Society organized its annual flagship event Ekal Run today at Godrej Waterside, Kolkata wherein 3500+ participants ran for their chosen category of timed run – 21km, 10km, 5km and non-timed /traditional run of 3km at this Marathon. People of all age groups participated in the run.

The Ekal Run was inaugurated by: Mary KomWorld Champion & Olympian Boxer and was attended by: Brijesh DamaniNational Snooker Champion & Asian Games Silver MedalistSajan BansalMD, Skipper Ltd.Sajjan BhajankaChairman, Century PlyboardsAjay PatodiaCFO, Dollar Industries Ltd.; Pradeep Kumar TodiMD of Lux Industries Ltd.Anirudh ModiDirector, Eden GroupBimal SaraogiAnmol IndustriesSurendra AgarwalMD, Austin PlywoodRamesh SaraogiMD of E-WentBijay Kumar AgarwalMD of Edible GroupBimal ChoudharyManaging Director at Anmol Biscuits Pvt. Ltd.Ramesh Bagla, Logical Lamps Pvt. Ltd.; Ishu Hirawat2nd runner up, Mrs World International 2022Karan KakkadFounder & CEO at Reverse FactorYuvika DharYog RatnamaniShivani AgarwallaKettlebell ChampionAshish BajajCyclistRahul Dev BoseActorDebashish SenMD, WBHIDCO Ltd.; Ajit Kr TeteDIG BSFManogya LoiwalSenior Journalist & AnchorAdrian PrattActing Consul General USA-Kolkata & many other eminent personalities.

Speaking to the media, Mr. Gaurav BaglaPresident Ekal Yuva said “Completing a run is a great achievement for anybody. However, the possibility of changing somebody’s life being added to every step in your run can give you a sense of pride like no other. This makes Ekal Run more enthralling to the Kolkatians. The run included Tshirt, Medals, Goodie Bag and Food boxes. Winners and runners- up were awarded with mementos. The event was streamed live over youtube channel (FTSBharat) of the organization.”

Key Members:

Gaurav Bagla – Ekal Yuva President; Vikas Poddar – Secretary; Ekal Yuva Board Members – Abhay Kejriwal, Ankit Deewan, Raunak Fatesaria, Rishabh Saraogi, Rohit Bucha, Vinay Chugh, Yogesh Choudhury, Manmohan Malani, Shyam Patwari and Vaibhav Pandiya were the core team behind the grand success of the event. The event was organized under the guidance of Kishan Kejriwal – FTS President; Niraj Harodia – FTS Secretary and Ekal Yuva mentor; Pradeep Rawalwasia – SHSS President and Subhash Murarka SHSS Secretary.

About FTS

Friends of Tribals Society (FTS), a non-profit, non-governmental and voluntary organization committed towards upliftment of underprivileged rural children. They are running 78324 One Teacher Schools – popularly called  as “EKAL VIDYALAYA”  which provide non- formal education to 20,63,598 children in remotest villages of India. Ekal focuses on the holistic development of a child and through their endeavor they uplift the entire village. We operate from 38 chapters across India, Kolkata being the Headquarter. They are also a recipient of the prestigious Gandhi Peace Prize 2017 and had the privilege of receiving this award from the honourable former President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind and honourable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi.

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