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Trailer drops for Indubala Bhaater Hotel – takes viewers on a delicious journey of emotions

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-hoichoi drops the Trailer of Indubala Bhaater Hotel starring Subhashree Ganguly and gets
viewers excited for this sensory treat that is set to release on 8th March Kolkata,

February 20, 2022: A beautiful amalgamation of memories, life and food, Indubala Bhaater Hotel is a series that doesn’t just tell a story but shows its audiences a beautiful showreel of moments that hold value in the character’s life.Indubala Bhaater Hotel starring Subhashree Ganguly and directed by Debaloy Bhattacharya, adapted from the popular novel of the same name written by Kallol Lahiri tells the story of a young girl from East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh) with a simple life, strewn with small pockets of joy. Her life changes after she moves toCalcutta(present day Kolkata) following her marriage and tries to build a life there.Keeping her hometown alive through her food, Indubala opens up a small hotel within her house and feeds office goers, students and the masses, delicacies of her hometown. Each dish has a story or a memory attached to it and whoever eats at Indubala Bhaater Hotel inadvertently becomes a part of that story.

The Trailer shows the viewers a snippet of what they can expect from the show. A young girl away from her roots finds solace in food and sharing her culture and love via food with the masses. Her journey, her joys and sorrows will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will have you craving more.

Talking about the Trailer release of the series and her role, Subhashree Ganguly said, “ Indubala Bhaater Hotel marks my entry into the OTT world and I don’t think there’s any other content that I’d rather have done it with. When I read the script, I knew I had to do it. This role was unlike anything I had done before and I was super
excited to do it. The Trailer is now out for viewers to get an even better understanding of what the show is about and gives a sneak peek into the world of Indubala Bhaater Hotel. I look forward to seeing the response towards the Trailer and also the show when it releases on 8th March .”Watch Indubala’s journey on Indubala Bhaater Hotel, all set to release exclusively on hoichoi, from 8th March onwards.

About Indubala Bhaater Hotel

The journey of Indubala from her unadulterated youth in Bangladesh to become an
entrepreneur, ultimately, becoming a memory, as the cuisines unfold a plethora of
emotions and form a narrative that turns the unheard life of Indubala into an
unforgettable journey.

Subhashree Ganguly as Indubala
Pratik Dutta as Ratan Lal (Indubala’s Husband)
Debopratim Dasgupta as Dhananjoy (Indubala’s House Help)
Angana Roy as Sanchari (Food Vlogger)
Sneha Chatterjee as Lachmi (Fish Seller and Indubala’s Close Friend)
Mithu Chakraborty as Indubala’s Mother-In-Law
Suhotra Mukhopadhyay as Alok (Indubala’s Friend)
Tirthankar Chakraborty as Sudip (Indubala’s Elder Son)
Rahul Banerjee as Prodip (Indubala’s Youngest Son)
DIRECTOR – Debaloy Bhattacharya
MUSIC – Amit

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