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hoichoi’s new series ‘Bodhon 2’ marks the much-anticipatedreturn of Sandipta Sen’s character Raka Senin Bengal’s FIRST SOCIAL THRILLER!

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The Trailer of Bodhon 2 shows a dark world in the outskirts of Bengal, a chilling storyline of this social thriller.

27 November, Kolkata: After receiving immense love and acclaim for the highly successful series “Bodhon” which was a social drama, hoichoi is gearing up for its second season this December, which is a social thriller, and the eagerly awaited Trailer for the upcoming season has finally been released. Bodhon 2 is poised to make its mark as Bengal’s first social thriller, featuring the return of Sandipta Sen as Raka Sen in an exciting new setting— a fictional place called Ipilpur, inspired from real life location in the outskirts of Bengal.

The Trailer commences with Raka Sen (Sandipta Sen) journeying to Ipilpur with husband, Riju (Koushik Roy) for their honeymoon and some official work, only to have her tranquil voyage interrupted by the town’s residents. Satya Prakash Chowdhury (Lokenath De) and his son Suken (Indrasish Ray) wield authority over Ipilpur, cultivating an environment rife with patriarchal practices such as witch hunting, cast discrimination, human trafficking, child marriage, and the trafficking of women. Raka Sen emerges as a catalyst for change in this ominous and isolated locale, defying the established order upon her arrival.

hoichoi’s new series ‘Bodhon 2’ marks the much-anticipatedreturn of Sandipta Sen’s character Raka Senin Bengal’s FIRST SOCIAL THRILLER!

She hints at a potential trouble in her relationship, suggesting that Riju might have made a mistake by involving her in his work life, leading to confrontations in their new paradise. The Trailer culminates with a powerful shot of Raka Sen wielding a piece of glass, promising an action-packed series highlighting her rise to power in Bodhon 2.

hoichoi’s new series ‘Bodhon 2’ marks the much-anticipatedreturn of Sandipta Sen’s character Raka Senin Bengal’s FIRST SOCIAL THRILLER!

Excited about the response of the Trailer, Sandipta Sen commented, “Raka Sen emerges as an even more resilient character in this season. In the previous instalment, her battles were solely on behalf of Shinjini. However, this time around, she is fighting for a broader cause, advocating for the rights of both males and females, young and old. Her mission extends beyond personal connections, aiming to address societal issues such as witch hunting, caste discrimination, human trafficking, and child marriage. As she protests these practices, she finds herself becoming a victim in the process. Also, in this season Raka Sen will be seen performing a lot of fighting and chase sequence; I have performed all by myself. Thus, season promises significant developments, and I sincerely hope that the audience will continue to shower the same, if not more, love upon our characters as they did in the first season.”

Director Aditi Roy added, “The return of Raka Sen is much needed in a world plagued with redundant evil practices, and this time she herself becomes a victim. What makes Bodhon 2 even more special is its portrayal as a first of it is kind social thriller! But the most challenging part was shooting in such a real time location, which was eerie and the on top of that it was raining heavily, thus it was a task shooting there.The action and the drama in season 2 is way more than what we showed in season 1, making it an action packed emotionally charged watch”.

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