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Mithun Chakraborty – Dev Starrer Projapati Premiered

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Projapati, the much-awaited family drama, produced by Bengal Talkies, Pranab Kumar Guha & Dev Entertainment Ventures, directed by Avijit Sen and starring Mithun Chakraborty, Dev, Mamata Sarkar & Debutante, Sweta Bhattacharya in pivotal roles was premiered today at Priya Cinema. Actors, Dev, Sweta, Mamata Shankar, Kharaj Mukherjee, Biswanath Basu, Koushani Mukherjee, Koneenica Banerjee, Ambarish Bhattacharya and Director Avijit Sen, Producers Atanu Raychaudhuri & Pranab Kumar Guha were present at the premiere. The story tells a heart-warming tale of a retired 65-year-old widower Gaur Chakraborty (Mithun Chakraborty), who lives alone with his son Joy (Dev), a wedding planner. Gaur wishes Joy to be married. But his desire turns to a tipping point as life had other plans. The film has a mass appeal and portrays the endearing relationship between a father and his son. “The entire star cast has given powerful and captivating performance in this family drama. One of the reasons Projapati is very special to us is it brings back the veterans of Indian cinema, Mithun Chakraborty and Mamata Shankar almost after 46 years of Mrigaya.

Their chemistry is still electrifying. And Dev, without any doubt, is one of the biggest superstars of Tollywood. He keeps on surprising us with his performance every time. The music has also caught on very well. We feel every audience will be able to identify the characters with themselves in the film”, said Atanu Raychaudhuri & Pranab Kumar Guha on behalf of Bengal Talkies. “It is no wonder that people throughout history are fascinated with intricacies of familial love. Along with the unconditional love and support, families, like any other relationships, can be complicated at times and can carry a lot of baggage. Projapati captures the emotional bond between a father & son and their relationship with the people they are close with. It has been an emotionally fulfilling moment for me as I got to direct the Megastar across generations, Mithun Chakraborty. It was lovely working with Dev once again along with the other co-actors”, said Avijit Sen, Director of Projapati. Rathijit Bhattacharya, Surojit Chatterjee and Anupam Roy have composed the soulful tunes of Projapati. The lyrics of the songs are penned by Surojit Chatterjee, Anupam Roy & Prasen. Projapati has Sujay Datta Ray as the Editor, Gopi Bhagat as the DOP, Tanmoy Chakraborty as the Art Director, Anindit Ray & Adip Singh Manky as the Sound Designers and Rajarshi Mukherjee as the Costume Designer. Script & Dialogues are by Subhadip Das. Projapati, jointly written by Atanu Raychaudhuri & Avijit Sen, released today, 23rd December, 2022 across leading single screens & multiplexes of West Bengal.


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